Wednesday, November 18, 2009

God saves the day... err... year!

so, I don't know why I ever doubt God or become anxious.

long story. I wasn't sure quite what God was doing, but I knew that I was set up for a miracle. I had no money for next semester, so I was praying and simply holding onto faith that my God will supply what I need for the things that He has called me to. ie: Bible College.

I had possibly the worst morning of my life this Tuesday, ugh. After a long sleepless night of worry and anxiety mixed with prayer, I woke up 10 minutes before class. And it's a 20 minute walk to class. On the rainiest ugliest day ever. Not such a good start. James class that morning was amazing. My teacher, Hannah was speaking on the will of the Lord, and discerning his voice and direction as well as trusting him and planning accordingly. Leave room for God to change your plans! So, needless to say, this calmed me down. It was exactly what I needed to hear and set my heart at peace that God would provide for me here if he wanted me here.

I continued about my day, enjoying the rest of it. It was genuinely joyful after that. Well, I get home I have a vague email from my mom saying that she has tuition money for me. Shocked and confused I called her, and she told me the amazing news. She was suddenly reminded of a college fund that she has for me! I don't know how it was even forgotten about, but it was a great and amazing provision from God. It is miraculous how he can open our eyes and simply drop things from out of nowhere. All I have to say is, God is good, and he is so faithful to lead us and take care of what we need.

So take heart. be encouraged. God can and will take care of you too!


Valen said...

Lishaa! such an amazing encouraging words for those one like me! that are waiting upon the Lord.
wow.. reading you is ALWAYS a plasure.
Keep writing sister!May you bless so many lifes as mine =)

Valen said...

Lishaa! such a blessing reading you, as usual!
keepo blessing others torught writting.
Tons of hugs.


Sharon said...

cwazy pom pom! God knew the exact time your mom was supposed to remember those savings. He is so so so faithful! Praise Him!