Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall? Retreat

I say Fall? because it feels more like if I step outside my face might turn into ice and fall right off my head. I know this to be an exaggeration, but that still doesn't prepare me for this upcoming winter. Ok, Ok, it's a mild 43 degrees fahrenheit, I know it could be worse. But stillllllll... whine whine whine. Yesterday my friend went to the pool. In Hawaii. Where she lives. In November. Life swap please? 

Alright, I'm done whining now. 

Tomorrow commences the yearly fall retreat for the Youth! Yay! It was one of the most amazing times of my life in High School, and this year I am excited to attend and help make it a great time of digging deep for the students. I am looking forward to the many hours of worship to come, and simply soaking up and being still before the LORD. Pray for the students if you think of us, it's such a spiritual high for them, and we don't want it to end when they go home and back into their prospective difficulties. 

 (We're pretty excited! Except for the weather.... we were hoping this whole winter thing would go away.... Nevertheless, we shall pray that we spend as much time as possible indoors and away from the frosty wind.I hope the Youth Pastor doesn't have any strange outdoor games planned like they did when I was in high school. I don't really fancy chasing people with a frozen fish this year. Just sayin')

1 comment:

andrea k. said...

i love this post. it encapsulates the best of the midwest. frozen fish chasing... haven't done that one yet.

i hope it's currently an amazing weekend! i know those kids will be blessed by your love and wisdom.

miss you A Lot. love,a.