Monday, November 4, 2013

Two Thousand and Fail

So 2013 has been a failure in the blog dept. Woops! Does anyone even still read here? [Not that I would have blamed you if you had abandoned me lonnnnng ago.]

I guess lately I've just felt like nothing's really been going on that seems blog-worthy. I mean, really, my life is not all that exciting! 

This year has sped past me faster than any in my memory. It seems crazy that we are into November already and the year is fast approaching its' end. My days are long and the weeks are fast as I continue to work full time and delve into ministry, social life and the simple responsibility of home and marriage. I am so blessed to  have married by best friend and I love living life with him. There has been no finer example of a godly, loving man I could conceive of. 

My Bible study is plugging right along. We are nearing the end of Proverbs. It has been such a fulfilling, challenging book that always seems to meet us where we have needs each week. I cannot begin to tell you all the stories of triumph, transformation, and joy that have come through this past year studying this book of wisdom. I get the awesome pleasure of watching God move in all of their lives and so many times am humbled by the wisdom and sincerity of their hearts as God teaches them how to live their lives after His own heart. I have no greater passion than this, watching the Kingdom come to Earth, filling my home and the hearts of such beautiful women. 

With them, this year has been busy! Two weddings, an engagement, a baby, and one has a new boyfriend! There have been graduations, a marriage healed and miracles worked in the lives of one who is a nurse. There truly has been a great deal to praise in this year of God's faithfulness towards us all. I am so grateful for these friends, this community of hope that they have created. I am so proud to live life with them. 

I mean, how could you not love these beautiful, moustachioed faces?
[BTW, Shout out to Mallory for singlehandedly supplying enough hair for this photo.]

For me, Proverbs touched me more this time around seeing the character of God. A couple of weeks ago in chapter 28 He showed me the relief, the answer and the death of condemnation of the ever-present Guilt that so many of us struggle with. 

"Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy." Proverbs 28:13

Grace is the answer to guilt. We will never deserve it, we will never be able to pay for it or obtain it, it is simply there in response to our confession. In our need, God supplies it, maintains it and pours it out on us in the most desperate times. Condemnation seeks to tear down and destroy, to remind us of those awful, unpleasant sins we have committed (some even long ago). Grace is the resounding answer to our souls. We are free. We are forgiven and we are reinstated in relationship with Him because that's where He wants us to be. Mercies that never end. Beauty we do not deserve. Love that never gave up on me. He truly does love me until I am lovely. And there's no condemnation in that. 


Tamiko said...

Hey Alisha! You might be surprised by I still read your blog (though you probably never knew I did...) I'm happy to hear that you taught through the Book of Proverbs with these girls. God bless you!

Alisha Wisener said...

Aw Tamiko! You're so sweet! And I had no idea you read my blog. :) I hope life is treating you well and that God is doing great things!