Friday, March 18, 2011


It's hard to believe I am on the home stretch of Bible College. Only 4 months left. :)

Starting April 1st this is what my life will be:

1. Romans 
2. Colossians
3. The Epistle's of John (1,2,3 John)
4. Major Bible Doctrines (aka "Theology")
5. Practical Christian Ministry (Which is a fancy way of saying, "free labor". lol. I will be an intern at our church in the Worship Arts Department! yay!)

Busy, busy. But I am looking forward to it. 

PS: I have been extremely crafty lately. Pictures will follow. I've been working on a beautiful strand of paper bunting for some friends who are having a baby. I can't reveal it until after she's born though, her name's a secret! My next project is to re-paper the inside of a beautiful old trunk that has been passed down to us from Jesse's ancestors. "Ancestors" makes them sound ancient, but in reality, it's origination was probably less than 50 years ago. ha. 

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